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Ultimate Den of Rebirth

■  What is Ultimate Den of Rebirth?

-  It is an instance hunting zone for Rebirth 12

-  A maximum of 6 players can enter the Ultimate Den of Rebirth, regardless of clan (1 player in each room).

-  Monsters in this instance have higher attack power compared to those in the Den of Rebirth.


■  How to enter

-  Activate the Ultimate Ticket by right-clicking it.

-  Click the "Move" button in the Chief Escort NPC menu in your town, then select [Ultimate Den of Rebirth] to enter.

-  Each entry requires 1 Ultimate Ticket.


■  Entrance Ticket

※ The Ultimate Ticket can only be used by Rebirth 12 characters.


■ Ultimate Den of Rebirth Drop List

-  The following items drop randomly when defeating monsters in Ultimate Den of Rebirth.