Now you can sell your items via Valet Shop while you are grinding or doing PvP on other maps!
You should use the Unattended Sales Edict to activate the Valet Shop feature.
You can access to Valet Shop by clicking the button above the skill bar.
How it Works?
Using the Valet Shop is very simple:
There are 2 Tabs in Valet Shop screen. You can add the item you want to sell bu using the “Register Mode” tab and use the “Retrieve Mode” tab to take out your item from the Valet Shop.
You can close your Valet Shop after confirming the message above.
Valet shop will be active only when you are online in the game, it will be closed once you log off.
You need to click “Recv Silver” button to receive the Silvers you earned from your sale.
Genius Orc
Now you can sell your items via Valet Shop while you are grinding or doing PvP on other maps!
You should use the Unattended Sales Edict to activate the Valet Shop feature.
You can access to Valet Shop by clicking the
button above the skill bar.
How it Works?
Using the Valet Shop is very simple:
There are 2 Tabs in Valet Shop screen. You can add the item you want to sell bu using the “Register Mode” tab and use the “Retrieve Mode” tab to take out your item from the Valet Shop.
You can close your Valet Shop after confirming the message above.
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