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Golden Moon Temple

What is Golden Moon Temple?

In this dungeon, you can annihilate monsters while protecting Gold Moon Holy Stones, and destroy the enemy's to earn rewards.



How to enter

Opens on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 20:00 (UTC +3)


30 players per clan, Deity 12 and above


Refining Stone, 100 million Silver Coins

How to proceed

(Stage 1)

Monster Annihilation Battle: The Gold Moon Holy Stones must be protected while you defeat the monsters

- For each clan, 12 G.M Holy Stones will be created after entering the Golden Moon Temple.

- A minute after the G.M Holy Stones are created, normal/champion/boss monsters will appear.

- Monsters will attack only the G.M Holy Stones, not the characters.

(There is character damage caused by the area attack skills of boss monsters)

- Defending the G.M Holy Stones for 10 minutes ends the battle.

Victory conditions for Stage 1:Two clans that have protected the stones the most advance to Stage 2 Defeat Condition for Stage 1:A clan with all its Stones destroyed or low HP is defeated and will return to the town.

(Stage 2)

Gold Moon Holy Stone Destruction Battle: Defeat the enemy's Golden Moon Holy Stone!

- When entering Stage 2, the center gate will be opened

- Two clans that won the Monster Annihilation Battle will participate in the G.M Holy Stone destruction battle for 30 minutes.

- As soon as the central formation is occupied, all characters of the opposing clan are killed and moved to the spawn area.

Victory conditions for Stage 2: All enemy G.M Holy Stones must be destroyed

Defeat Condition for Stage 2: The opponent clan destroyed all G.M Holy Stones

※ The clan with the most HP Stone will win if both clans have the same number of G.M Stones.


1. Entry is restricted to Deity 12 and above.

2. You cannot use area skills or the 8th skill.

3. Alliances are ineffective.

4. In the Gold Moon Holy Stone Destruction Battle, the G.H Stones of the already defeated clans do not appear.

5. 2 minutes are required to capture formations in the center.

6. Silver coins are paid in the inventory, and Refining Stones are dropped on the bottom of the character.

How to enter

In your town, click the "Move" button on the Chief Escort NPC menu.