Something that adversely affects the amount of profit that can be made is real world trading. Perhaps these examples will shed some light on why this is.
In the first example, all of the 12 Sky 2 players have a total of $15,000.00 to spend this month on 12 Sky 2. Real world trading is not going on and Genius Orc Entertainment rakes in $15,000.00 in gross income this month.
In the second example, all of the 12 Sky 2 players have a total of $15,000.00 to spend this month on 12 Sky 2. There are some players involved in real world trading and a total of $1,500.00 is spent on silver jeon. Genius Orc Entertainment rakes in $13,500.00 in gross income this month.
Real world trading takes money out of the pockets of Genius Orc Entertainment. The more prevalent that real world trading becomes, the less money that Genius Orc Entertainment is going to earn.
1 Comment
Boy Named Sue
3 yıl civarı önce
I have played this game since 2006 and watched the population die on all of them. Reborn is currently the most active server I have seen since the early days it is the most attractive aspect of this server. I believe any person who wears big boy pants will agree that RWT is detrimental to the development of Reborn, and has been to all the graveyard servers out there.
This being said. We do need a system for the players that for whatever reason no longer have interest or can no longer play, to get back some of the hard earned, real world currency spent here. Currently our only options are to give away the items that arent cheap to obtain or just walk away from them.
I would like to offer a solution that will put money back in the ex-players and Genius Orc's pockets.
For a transfer fee (say 10 or 20% even) on deals of a minimum set amount. Genius Orc can middle man RWT.
Back door negotiation are sure to commence with no other options. The person that loses in these situations is the person willing to spend money on this game and gets banned for it while the seller whom is usually quitting anyways walks away untouched.
Something that adversely affects the amount of profit that can be made is real world trading. Perhaps these examples will shed some light on why this is.
In the first example, all of the 12 Sky 2 players have a total of $15,000.00 to spend this month on 12 Sky 2. Real world trading is not going on and Genius Orc Entertainment rakes in $15,000.00 in gross income this month.
In the second example, all of the 12 Sky 2 players have a total of $15,000.00 to spend this month on 12 Sky 2. There are some players involved in real world trading and a total of $1,500.00 is spent on silver jeon. Genius Orc Entertainment rakes in $13,500.00 in gross income this month.
Real world trading takes money out of the pockets of Genius Orc Entertainment. The more prevalent that real world trading becomes, the less money that Genius Orc Entertainment is going to earn.